Diocesan Events or Items of Interest

November is National Adoption Month. Please help us find forever homes for children in need. There are over 8,000 children in the state of Kentucky living in out of home care. Many need foster or adoptive families. Please consider attending an upcoming informational meeting to see how you can help. Meeting is at 75 Orphanage Road, Fort Mitchell, KY at 6:30 p.m. Monday, December 9th. Visit DCCHCenter.org.

Bishop John Iffert invites you and your family and friends to attend the third annual Bambinelli and Christmas Tree Blessing on Saturday, December 14, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Park (Diocesan Curia). Come see the blessing and lighting of the diocesan Christmas tree, listen to live parish and school choirs, enjoy homemade cookies and hot cocoa, and hear a Nativity story. Bring the Baby Jesus figure from your home Nativity to receive a special blessing from Bishop Iffert and be part of a Catholic Advent tradition! No RSVP required. All are welcome!

The Newman Connection connects graduating seniors to the Catholic campus ministry at their chosen college before they get to campus. Keep the faith alive in college! All you need to do as a student or parent is go to https://signupnc.newmanministry.com/ and fill out the form.

The Spiritual Motherhood of Priests Program (SMOP)
is very simple. No meetings – no cost. Just Adopt a priest and pray for him. Three short prayers each day, and one hour of Eucharistic Adoration once a week at any parish, at your convenience. Wouldn’t you just love to have a priest as your son? You can pick your own priest-son or leave it up to the Holy Spirit to choose him for you. Remember, no meetings and no cost! Call one of the ladies listed below to ask questions, hear these wonderful stories of the adoptions, and get the details of how you can adopt a Priest as your son.
Teresa Mancyk 859-802-9209
Mary Anne Gronotte 859-468-4732
Julie Enzweiler 859-409-2644
Carole Zerhusen 859-341-1458
Mary Anne Walcutt 859-426-0239 (p.m. only)

You are invited to learn more about the Walking with Purpose parish program experience and how it is enabling women to know Christ through Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Hear from parish volunteer leaders at St. Barbara in Erlanger about how WWP is transforming hearts and bringing women closer to Christ! This is a complimentary, 30-minute virtual event. Information and registration can be found at https://walkingwithpurpose.com/event/discover-themore-learn-about-walking-with-purpose/.

Discover how WWP helps women learn how to read Scripture and apply it to day-to-day life, invest in the hearts of other women and create community in the parish, and go deeper into our Catholic faith, connecting Sunday Mass to the rest of the week. 
Parishes currently offering WWP programs:
St. Barbara
St. Thomas
St. Pius X
St. Joseph, Crescent Springs
St. Paul
St. Agnes
Divine Mercy/St. Bernard
Blessed Sacrament
St. Joseph, Cold Spring
Immaculate Heart of Mary

PAL meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Catholic Charities. It provides continuing education and support, at no charge, for parents with a son, daughter or spouse suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs. No cost. Just come. Catholic Charities, 3629 Church Street, Latonia, KY 41015 For more information, contact Client Care at 859-581-8974.

Pregnant? Need Help? You are Not Alone. You deserve to have all the support you need during this important time. We care and will walk with you. You are not alone. We can help. Click here for more information.

Parish Kitchen announces the start of a new ministry, Pickett’s Corner. The new ministry will repair and distribute bicycles to those in need in the area. Bicycles will greatly help folks get around town and especially to their jobs. Volunteers are needed to be present at Parish Kitchen during lunchtime (11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.) to repair bikes. Volunteers are also needed to collect and repair bikes at their home for distribution at the Parish Kitchen. Please respond to pickettscorner23@gmail.com for more details.

The Roman Catholic Bishops of Kentucky have issued the following statement in response to the rejection of Amendment 2 by Kentucky voters - click here

The fifth Saturday Masses and Prayer Vigils for Life are sponsored by LIFE’S 5TH QUARTER. The goal is to tap into the enthusiasm that our youth demonstrate each January at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. ,and to teach our youth the power of the best spiritual weapon available to us, outside the Eucharist, – THE ROSARY.
LIFE’S 5TH QUARTER is challenging our YOUTH to take ownership of these 5th Saturdays along with adult support to give JUST TWO HOURS once each Quarter of the year to pray for the end to abortion and to return our nation to a Culture of Life!
Jesus Christ tells us to take up our cross and follow Him. It only requires JUST TWO HOURS of your time. Please join us and bring friends and family. Visit www.facebook.com/lifes5thquarter for information or write Lifes5thquarter@mail.com.

Our Diocesan Serra Club invites all who are interested in praying for and affirming our priests, seminarians and women religious to join us for prayer, fellowship and planning meetings on the first Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. and the third Thursday at 11:45 a.m. for monthly meetings. Contact Nick Winnike at nwinnike@gmail.com for locations.

All college-aged students In school or the work force are invited to join The Catholic Newman Center at NKU for virtual Bible Study, Tuesdays, at 7:00 p.m.; Book Study at 8:00 p.m.; and in-person Mass, Thursdays, at 7:00 p.m. at St Joseph Church, Cold Spring. Email Campus Minister, Donna Heim (heimd2@nku.edu) to receive weekly Newman events Info.

Are you a young adult (18 to 39) discerning a vocation to marriage, religious life, or the priesthood? We’re launching a new monthly young adult group for people like you. Meet others discerning, build community, and get the support you need to answer God’s call. For more info, contact Brad Torline, btorline@covdio.org.

Single Catholic Women 20-35: Franciscan Sisters invite you to in-person and online Discernment Events designed for you. Discover your calling and purpose. Visit https://fscc-calledtobe.org or contact Sr. Julie Ann at 920-323-9632. The world needs you. God calls you. We invite you… with other Catholic Young Women to our Vocation Discernment Retreats or invite us to meet you where you are.
El mundo te necesita. Dios te llama. Te invitamos… conotras mujeres católicas a nuestros Retiros de Discernimiento Vocacional o invita nos a encontrar contigo donde estés.

Come back to God, who is LOVE and MERCY
Life is a gift from God, and so is His mercy. Tens of millions of Americans have been directly touched by abortion and have feelings of regret, guilt and grief. God’s healing love and mercy are always possible. Many Catholics want to help women and men who have experienced abortion, but some don’t know how to begin. The Diocese of Covington, in accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, offer the Project Rachel Ministry, a confidential, compassionate journey to healing. Project Rachel help line (859) 392-1547 or projectrachel@covdio.org.

Look for “Play Like a Champion” Coach, Parent and Athlete Notes on www.covdio.org website under Safe Environment; then “Play Like a Champion.” A newsletter and videos provide encouragement and reinforcement of the “Play Like a Champion” message.  Click here.

A girl facing a difficult decision regarding the life of her unborn baby needs YOU. A baby whose mom is thinking about abortion needs YOU. You can help her and her baby. Opportunities for Life is a ministry of the Kentucky Catholic Bishops serving abortion vulnerable women and men. Volunteers offer hope, compassion, options counseling and resources to callers who find the courage to seek help. Volunteers are needed to staff the 24-hour helpline from their homes. If you have a heart for life affirming ministry, please call (888)496-3638 to learn more about this ministry and a training workshop in your diocese.

Julie Learning Center in Park Hills, a preschool ministry of the Sisters of Notre Dame, is now enrolling four- and five-year-olds for the 2019-2020 school year. We offer full and half-day programs and provide a discount for teachers in the Diocese of Covington. For information about the center, visit our website at www.julielearningcenter.com or call the director at 859-392-8231 to schedule a tour.