Policies & Procedures


All visitors to the school will need to stop in at the office for a visitor sticker.  Students will be instructed to notify their teacher if an adult is in the building without a sticker.  All the outside doors to the building will be locked during the school day.  Cameras are installed at the office end of the building.  These cameras are connected to a monitor in the office.  When visiting the building, please enter at the office end of the building.  There is a black button on the right side of the doors mounted on the building.  Please press the button and wait a few seconds.  Someone in the office will release the left door via a button in the office.  Due to fire codes, only the left door is operated by an electromagnetic system.  Once the office personnel have released the magnet, please enter the building and check in at the office.  All volunteers, room parents and cafeteria workers are required to a wear a sticker.  Again, we need to keep our St. Anthony School community safe during the day.


Tuesdays and Fridays.


When your child is absent from school, we ask that you call school by 8:30 A.M.  This is to protect our children by making sure nothing happened to them on the way to school.  Mrs. Bottom will call you if you have not called us by 8:30 A.M.


School opens each morning at 7:00 A.M.  Students who are dropped off between 7:00-7:20 A.M. will sit at the end of the hall by the office until the teachers on hall duty escort them to their rooms.


Morning drop off procedure remains the same.  Cars slowly drive down Howard Ave. and completely turn into the upper playground where the children are dropped off by the doors on the field side of the building.  Please do not drop your children off in front of school.  Once again, the school is asking for your cooperation.  We hope these measures will help keep our students safe throughout the school day.


Any person picking up a student, must sign the student out.  No student will be dismissed from the classroom unless a teacher is notified by the office.  This is done over the intercom.  The emergency information sheet will be checked to see if that person has permission to pick up the child.  If not, we will make efforts to contact one of the student's parents.  If we cannot get in touch with the parents, the child will not be permitted to leave.  If someone is to pick up your child early, you must send a note to school with the following:  Students name, date, time of pick up, person picking up the student, and parent signature.  This should be turned into the teacher who will sign it and send it to the office.


The following procedure will be followed: Parents of all walkers and riders will park in the gravel lot and in front of school. It is important that cars are parked in their correct location between 2:00 and 2:20 p.m. Cars that arrive late will wait in front of Father's house. Morning drop off procedure remains the same: Cars slowly drive down Howard Avenue and completely turn into the upper playground where the children are dropped off by the doors on the field side of the building. Please do not drop off your children in front of school. We hope these measures will help keep our students safe throughout the school day.


Lunch boxes and other items that children may have forgotten to bring with them in the morning must be brought to the office.  All items will be delivered from there to minimize classroom interruptions.

St. Anthony School and the Taylor Mill Police Department have developed and regularly practice an emergency plan. All faculty and staff are trained to handle emergency situations.


P.T.O. and Booster organizations are major financial supporters of our school. They are responsible for the purchase of many supplies, equipment, resources, textbooks, and field trips. Please consider becoming involved and attending their monthly meetings.


Asbestos is present in our building.  It is contained asbestos and is maintained on a regular schedule according to all laws and regulations.  It does not present a hazard to anyone in the building.


The Kentucky Department of Agriculture has issued a new regulation (302 Kentucky Administrative Regulations 29;050) that requires all schools to implement an Integrated Pest Management program and provide advance notification of pesticide applications in the school.  This regulation went into effect on July 1, 2002. Your notification preference should be marked each year on the Emergency Information Sheet.