Spiritual CDs and Pamphlets Available

You may have seen the CD stand as you walked into the church. We are offering you CDs prepared by Catholic Priests and eminent Catholic laity that are guaranteed to deepen your faith, answer many of your questions, and have you coming back for more! A free will donation of $3.00 per CD and $0.50 per pamphlet is suggested, because that is how we’re going to keep this ministry here. The CD’s and brochures will be available at all the Masses every day of the week. Approximately every 3 months we will rotate in a new set of 9 CD’s and 3 brochures. The second set for example contains the Father Corapi conversion story and a reading of a book written by then Cardinal Ratzinger now Pope Benedict XVI. If you’re really interested, we suggest you drop $20 and take everything on the rack! They’re great to listen to, and easy to pass on to someone else. Please take the time to stop by our stand and support this ministry. It may not be a CD you need, but it could make a great impact on someone else.  Click here for more information about Lighthouse Catholic Media.  Click here to view an article regarding the CD racks that appears on the Ignatius Insight website.

What Do You Believe? As a Catholic, how would you answer that question? Do you know where the power and truth of the Catholic faith are? Jesse Romero, a former kickboxing champion and retired police officer will challenge you to know your Catholic faith is his CD Church Beliefs. Pick up a copy today from the CD display in the back of church so you can answer the question for yourself and anyone who asks you.

This and similar CD’s are available in our Lighthouse CD stand in the back (side) of church.

Comment cards were put in the CD display and here is what an anonymous person had to say:

“Every CD I’ve heard has been very practical and helpful and I will take certain wisdom from them with me for the rest of my life. Example: Scott Hahn saying that God challenges us to tithe; and wonderful lessons fro Fr. Larry Richards. Kimberly Hahn’s CD has inspired us to be even more open to having more kids, and the CD on “Anger and Forgiveness” has been a great help when dealing with stressful extended family situations. This CD distribution program is a great gift to our parish and a valuable inspiration to holiness. Oh yeah, I can’t be sure, but I think a family member is going to come back to Church because of Fr. Larry Richard’s ‘Confession” CD. Thank you and please continue this great work of the Lord! May God Bless you and His Mother keep you!”